Forwarding to a TTNC number
Forwarding to another TTNC number is restricted. This is due to complications with billing.
Forwarding to Service and Premium numbers
You are unable to forward a TTNC Number to an 084, 087 or 090 number, this is due to the cost of the call and in order to prevent bill shock. If you require this restriction to be removed, please contact the Support team.
Access to 0800 numbers
Due to an 0800 number being a UK Freephone number, non-UK providers may block attempted calls. This is an Ofcom restriction which we cannot control. If you wish to receive calls from overseas, we recommend using a local 01/02 number.
International Toll-Free numbers
As with 0800 numbers, the ability to call International Toll-Free numbers from outside of the country of the number's origin may be restricted.
We are aware that Irish Toll-Free numbers can only be dialled from within Ireland, and as such, we are unable to connect from our network.
Inbound SMS
All 3 and 08 numbers are unable to receive SMS, as are any number porting onto our network.
The majority of international numbers can't receive SMS, except American and Canandian local numbers and Romanian national number.
07 Mobile numbers, including those ported to us, can receive SMS. Most local 01/02 number ranges can receive inbound SMS however, there are some ranges which can't - you can find a full list here: Inbound SMS.
CLI display on international calls
We can't guarantee your number will be displayed correctly on outbound calls and SMS using international carriers.
Calls displaying a German number from a non-German network may be blocked, rejected, fail or have a replacement “network number” added with the call passed as anonymous.
Updated 22 days ago