
Geographical areas in which we have numbers available to purchase, and the evidence necessary to meet the regulatory requirements for obtaining these numbers.

Available Numbers

We have local number availability in a wide range of areas, as well as national numbers. Below are all regions and their number prefixes.
their number prefixes.

If you require numbers in another area of this country, please get in touch as we may be able to source them for you.

Area / CityPrefixArea / CityPrefix
Antofagasta 56-55 Ovalle 56-53
Arica 56-58 Puerto Montt 56-65
Chillan 56-42 Punta Arenas 56-61
Concepcion 56-41 Quillota 56-33
Copiapo 56-52 Rancagua 56-72
Curico 56-75 San Antonio 56-35
Iquique 56-57 Santiago 56-2
La Serena 56-51 Talca 56-71
Linares 56-73 Temuco 56-45
Los Andes 56-34 Valdivia 56-63
Los Angeles 56-43 Valparaiso 56-32
Osorno 56-64

Regulatory Requirements

Currently, we do not require evidence of company and personal details, however the requirements set in the country may change at any time; If this occurs, we will request evidence at a later date.

Keep Updated

The requirements for numbers across the world are changing all the time. Please check the International Number Regulations page for any updates.