International Number Regulations

To meet the regulatory requirements for selling international telephone numbers, TTNC must ensure all numbers are assigned and used in a manner consistent with the intent of the regulations.

To ensure you're compliant with the international regulatory requirements, we have collected all the information you will need to provide to purchase a number in every country we have.

The information and documentation necessary to verify your identity and address will need to be emailed to [email protected] to ensure a successful setup of your international number.

If you already have a TTNC phone number in any of the countries listed on this page, you must comply with the local country regulations.

We will continue to update this page with additional details, so please keep an eye on the page for the most current information.

Regulatory Information Required

'-' = Number Not Available; 'N/A' = Documentation Not Required.

** Albania **1, 2, 3--
** Argentina **N/A--
** Australia **1, 3--
** Austria **-1, 4-
** Belgium ** i1, 51, 4-
** Bosnia and Herzegovina **1, 2, 6, 7--
** Brazil **N/A--
** Bulgaria **1, 2, 5--
** Canada ** aN/A-N/A
** Chile **N/AN/A-
** Colombia **N/A--
** Croatia ** h1, 2, 5--
** Cyprus **1, 2, 3, 71, 2, 3, 7-
** Czech Republic **N/A--
** Denmark **-1, 3-
** Dominican Republic **N/A--
** Estonia ** d, f-1, 3-
** Finland **N/AN/A-
** France **1, 5, 71, 4-
** Georgia **1, 2, 6, 7, 81, 2, 3, 8-
** Germany ** c1, 2, 6, 7, 81, 2, 4, 7, 8-
** Greece **1, 4--
** Hungary **1, 2, 6, 71, 2, 4, 7-
** Iceland **N/A--
** Ireland **1, 51, 3-
** Israel **N/AN/A-
** Italy ** i1, 2, 4, 7--
** Japan ** h1, 2, 6, 71, 2, 3, 7-
** Kenya **N/A--
** Latvia **1, 2, 4--
** Lithuania **1, 4N/A-
** Luxembourg ** e-1, 3-
** Malta **-1, 2, 4, 7-
** Mexico **N/A--
** The Netherlands ** d1, 51, 4-
** New Zealand **1, 3--
** Norway **1, 2, 4--
** Panama **N/A--
** Peru **1, 2, 5--
** Poland **1, 2, 5--
** Portugal **-1, 4-
** Puerto Rico **N/A--
** Romania **1, 31, 3-
** Russian Federation **1, 2, 3--
** Serbia**1, 2, 6, 7--
** Singapore**1, 2, 3--
** Slovakia**N/A--
** Slovenia**1, 2, 6--
** South Africa ** b, h1, 2, 5, 71, 2, 3, 7-
** Spain **1, 2, 4, 7--
** Sweden **N/AN/A-
** Switzerland ** h1, 2, 3--
** Thailand ** g1, 31, 3-
** Turkey **1, 2, 4, 71, 2, 4, 7-
** Uganda **-N/A-
** United States of America ** aN/A-N/A
** Venezuela ** g1, 2, 4--

Information Required"

1. Name, business name and contact phone numbers. 2. Company Registration Certificate. If an individual is performing the registration process, Passport or ID copy should be provided instead of a registration certificate. 3. Address worldwide. 4. Address in the same country as the number purchased. 5. Local address in the same area as the number purchased. 6. Local address in the same city as the number purchased. 7. Proof of address form (copy of utility bill no older than six months). 8. Registration form will be provided during the registration process for end-user to complete and sign.

Jump back to country list ↩

Note: Please note - The date and time displayed on the logs use your local browser time.

Requirements for Submitted Documents

The identity verification information on ALL documents must match exactly. For example, the name on a utility bill must exactly match the name on your driver's licence. If the bill is in the name of C.J. Smith and the ID is in the name of 'Charles John Smith' this will not be accepted.

Proof of address must also include your exact name on the document. The documentation will be rejected if there is no name or has a different name to that given as the user of the number.

All documentary proof must be current. The submitted evidence must not be expired or cancelled, and a utility bill must be less than three months old.

The documents must be submitted as JPEG, PNG, or PDF files. If you have two or more documents to send, please combine them into a single PDF file of up to 2 MB and send one file.

Updates to Regulations

Information correct to 26th January 2022

25th January 2022

  • Local numbers now available in Panama - Requires an address anywhere in the world.
  • Local and national now numbers available in Turkey - Requires an address in Turkey.

12th January 2022

  • New Zealand local numbers now require an address anywhere in the world.

10th November 2021

  • Irish toll free numbers now available - Requires an address anywhere in the world.
  • Irish national numbers now require an address anywhere in the world and local numbers now require an address in the same area as the number.

12th July 2021

  • Local numbers now available in Peru - Requires an address in the same area as the number.

17th May 2021

  • Poland now requires Company Registration Certificate and an address in the same area as the number.

30th April 2021

  • Local numbers now available in:
    • Albania - Requires an address anywhere in the world.
    • Bosnia and Herzegovina - Requires an address in the same area as the number.
    • Serbia - Requires an address in the same area as the number.

16th March 2021

  • Lithuania local numbers now requires an address in Lithuania. National numbers have no regulatory requirements.
  • Slovenia now requires Company Registration Certificate and an address in Slovenia.

1st March 2021

  • Numbers in China, El Salvador, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Kazakhstan and Ukraine are no longer available.

22nd May 2020

  • Hungary now requires Company Registration Certificate and proof of address in Hungary.

21st February 2020

17th January 2020

  • Latvia now requires Company Registration Certificate;
  • Switzerland now requires Company Registration Certificate and Passport or ID copy;
  • Croatia, Japan and South Africa now require Passport or ID copy in addition to Company Registration Certificate;

14th January 2020

  • New Regulatory Page launched.