Email Subscriptions and Notifications

Our system status page offers the ability for customers to sign up to automatic email alerts and an RSS/Atom feed. The notifications are perfect for ensuring you are always informed about the status of our services.

Creating email subscriptions

  1. Navigate to our status page.

  2. Click subscribe


TTNC status page subscribe button

  1. Enter your email address and click subscribe.

TTNC status subscribe email box

  1. Check your email, follow the link to verify your address and start receiving updates.

Creating RSS/Atom feed

  1. Navigate to our status page.

  2. At the bottom of the page, there is a link to RSS and Atom feeds.


RSS/Atom feed button

Unsubscribing from Email Subscriptions

There are unsubscribe links at the bottom of all of our marketing emails.

You cannot unsubscribe from system-generated emails, those regarding billing, call credit levels, voicemails and other call-related output. Billing emails are always sent to the email associated with the account holder.