084 Numbers
084 Numbers have a higher call charge that almost every other UK number range. Due to their nature, it's difficult to define the cost of calling an 084 number.
084 numbers can be expensive to call. Ofcom has ruled that the cost to call an 084 'Service Number' is made up of an Access Charge and a Service Charge.
Access Charge - this is a charge imposed on the caller by their provider (to give the caller access to the 084 destinations. This charge varies depending on the phone company and can range from 8p/minute (£0.08) to 65p/minute (£0.65)
Service Charge - this is a charge set by the provider you are calling.
Calling an 084 TTNC Number
The Service Charge for TTNC 084 Numbers is set to 5p/minute (£0.05).
If you use a 084 Number and publish (either in print or on your website), then you are required to tell your callers what the Service Charge is for your Number. It should be explained in a simple format such as:
"Calls cost 5p per minute, plus your phone company's access charge."
Updated 21 days ago